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Title: Effect of bhramari pranayama on metacognition and mindfulness in high school children
Authors: Saumya Bitla
Keywords: Yoga
Issue Date: 16-Jan-2017
Publisher: S-Vyasa
Abstract: Present generation students face challenges in physical, intellectual, social, emotional and academic domains. As students’ progress to higher classes, high order thinking skills such as mindfulness and metacognition play a crucial role to surmount stress and improve their academic performance. Documented benefits of yoga seem to offer a viable solution within the classrooms. The study aims to investigate the effects of bhramari pranayama on metacognition and mindfulness among ninth grade students. Through a randomized controlled design, the intervention was given for four weeks with nine rounds of Bhramari Pranayama given six times a day before the commencement of classes. The variables were measured using the Jr. MAI (Junior Metacognitive Awareness Inventory) and CAMM (Child Adolescent Mindfulness Measure). Paired t-test analyses have shown a significant difference in the experimental and control groups with respect to metacognition (p < 0.001) and mindfulness (p < 0.033). It is concluded that Pranayama is beneficial in enhancing metacognition and mindfulness among high school children.
Appears in Collections:MSc Dissertations (Submitted by MSc Students)

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