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dc.contributor.authorWalad, Sagar-
dc.contributor.authorsingh, Deepeshwar-
dc.contributor.authorRana, Budhibal-
dc.description.abstractYoga is the science of the life. The science of human evolution and fullest possibilities (Melorose, Perroy, & Careas, 2015). It starts with awareness and cultivation of ethical discipline, code of behavior and self-awareness (Vallath, 2010). If you go through classically: yoga is understood as the science of the mind. The experience which was gained by the controlling the modification of mind (Monk-Turner & Turner, 2010). The Sanskrit word “Yoga” derives from the root word of “Yuj” which meaning is union, join and unite. This is the reflection of the union of the body, mind and spirit (BKS IYENGAR, 2012). It is the union between the individual and transcendental (Garfinkel & Schumacher, 2000). Sage Patanjali explains the theoretical aspects of yoga in 196 aphorisms called Yoga sutras (Saraswati, 1976). The eight- step path of Raja yoga consist of restraint, observances, posture, breath control sublimation, attention, concentration (Satchidananda, 2012). It is an expansion of the narrow constricted egoist personality to an all pervasive, eternal and blissful state of reality (S Telles, Nagarathna, Nagendra, & Desiraju, 1993) one of the best text on yoga, the essence is the beautifully portrayed thus “Manahprashamanopaya yogaitibhidhiyate”, yoga is called skillful trick to calm down the mind. In Bhagwad Gita lord Krishna says that equanimity is yoga “Samatvam yogaucchate”, and skill to execute any action perfectly is yoga “yogahkarmasu kaushalam” respectively. To cultivate innate health and happiness, yoga practices consists of various postures (Asanas), breathing and meditation techniques (Pranayama). After understanding the human underlying nature many great Indian sages has given the different path for different people. The classical yoga includes Karma yoga, Hath yoga, Raja yoga, kundalini yoga, etc.en_US
dc.subjectNeuro Cognitiveen_US
dc.subjectHeart rate variabilityen_US
dc.titleImmediate effect of yogic breathing on neuro cognitive and association with low frequency of heart rate variability (HRV)en_US
Appears in Collections:MSc Dissertations (Submitted by MSc Students)

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